Welcome to simplegradebook, an on-line gradebook for use by teachers, students, parents and administrators. Simplegradebook was designed and developed by a teacher who used it daily - so you know it works!
simplegradebook pro
- Performance Scale Grading - grade on a 4-point performance scale
- Rubrics - students can evaluate themselves, and teachers can provide feedback
- Individualized Programs - create a customized program for a student
- Attendance - with automatic parent notification
- Messaging - secure internal messaging between parents, students and teachers
- Observations - teachers can record anecdotal student observations, and optionally share them with administrators and counsellors
- Referrals - teachers can refer students to administrators or counsellors
- Class Rosters - print a class roster for manually recording marks
- Discount Pricing - school or district-wide discount pricing on simplegradebook pro
Click here for purchase options  Click for a Free Trial!
simplegradebook basic (free, and always will be)
- 24/7 on-line access to grade information for students, parents, teachers and administrators.
- Web servers in Canada to ensure compliance with Canadian privacy laws
- Optional weekly email reports, low grade alerts, or missing task alerts
- Easy to read PDF report cards
- SSL encryption for security of sensitive information
- Ease of startup - anyone can create classes and add students, even create a school, then other teachers and administrators can join.
- Developed by a teacher with 13 years software engineering and 24 years teaching experience
- Free, and always will be (donations gratefully accepted)
- Hosted at a 24 hour data centre with backup
Click here for a comprehensive list of features